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There are currently 25 entries in this page. (Out of a total of 707)

臺語 Taiwanese 拼音, 漢字, 及英譯 in Pinyin, Chinese Characters, & English 關鍵字 Key 例子 Example Phrases or Sentences 對照比較 Contrasts / Comparisons 可信度 Confidence Level
die1 yi6 bhuan1 bhuan4, qieng4 die1 8siu6 sa1 mi4 sio5 siang3 得意滿滿,蒸得像什麼相像 (ref: -) conceit as haughty as one can be, fully conceited 10
dieng4 頂 (ref: -) top top, on top, on, onboard 10
dieng5 qi5 燈市 (ref: dieng5_00) lantern market Lantern Market, Lantern Festival: Chinese celebrate the Lantern Festival on the 15th of January of the Lunar Calendar, which is the first full moon of the year. They will have lantern contest, riddle-guessing, and of course, Yuanxiao (元宵)dumplings. 10
dieng6 guan4 qi3 定冠詞 (ref: -) the the -- here, it it referring to the definite article 'the' in English grammar, because in Taiwanese, there is no such thing; we will use 'this' instead. 10
dio4 zuan4 zun5 tao3 ji6 ba4 be4 za6 do5 調轉船頭一百八十度,掉轉船頭一百八十度 (ref: dio4_00) u-turn (for a ship) to turn the course 180 degrees, to take a u turn, to do exactly the opposite 10
diong5 gan1, diong5 eng1 中間,中央 (ref: -) center (to be) between, (to be) among 10
diong5 ren3 當然 (ref: -) of course of course, to be sure 10
do6 liong5, sin5 siong1, sim5 8gua1 度量,心胸,心肝 (ref: -) measure measure, a measure of someone's heart, chest, and liver; open-minded-ness, tolerance 10
du1 a1 he4, du1 du1 he4 遇子好, 遇遇好 (ref: -) coincident to fit perfectly, to match perfectly, to have perfect timing; (literally: to be meetingly-meetingly perfect, to be fittingly-fittingly perfect) 10
du1 a4 遇子 (ref: -) moments ago moments ago 10
du4 dio6 遇到 (ref: -) meet to meet, to have met 10
dua5 大 (ref: -) big big, large, huge, great, tremendous 10
dua6 8sia5 bang4 pui6 大聲放屁 (ref: -) fart to fart loudly, to talk emptily and loudly 10
dua6 bai3 den6 8ya5 bhieng5 sieng1 大牌電影明星 (ref: dua6_00) big shot bigshot movie stars 10
dua6 gang5 dieng3, sa1 mi1 dua6 gang5 dieng3 大工程!什麽大工程! (ref: -) big deal Big deal! What's the big deal! (Originally: Big engineering project! What's the big engineering project?) 10
dua6 gong1 bhu5 su1, dua6 gong1 wu5 su1 大公無私 (ref: dua6_01) impartial completely impartial -- a famous motto of Dr. Sun Zhongshan, the Father of the Republic of China, citing the classical Book of Rituals. The original sentence is: 大道之行也天下為公 "When the heavenly way is in force, the world is open and impartial to all." 10
dui4 huan4 對反 (ref: -) opposite to be the opposite, to be on the contrary 10
E (ref: t000167) 10
e5 的 (ref: -) possessive ending the adjective ending, or the possessive adjective ending which is equvalent to the apostrophy ('s) in English 10
e6 sai4, ko1 yi4 可使,可以 (ref: -) can It will work. 10
G (ref: t000173) 10
ga5 8kua6! 給看! (ref: -) look Look! 10
ga5 da1 rin3 加達人 (ref: -) Bible Gadarenes (biblic) 10
ga5 dieng3 家庭 (ref: -) family family 10
ga5 giong3 加強 (ref: -) reinforce to reinforce 10

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